Customer Support
The SpaSoft Customer Support division offers regional support centers in the United States, Canada and Malaysia plus global help desk support available 24-hours per day, 7-days per week, 365-days per year.
Contacting Support
Contact our team with the methods below to receive the quickest response.
Submit a Ticket
Submit a Support Ticket and manage your tickets through our new Ticketing Portal.
Give us a Call
Look at the list below and call the number with the correct number.

Global Phone Number
- United States: +1 702-560-6900
- Canada: +1 905-963-0101
- United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3318-0641
- Hong Kong: +852 5808-0329
- Kuala Lumpur: +60 3 9212-6131
- Beijing, China: +86 (0) 10 5387-5833
- Cape Town, South Africa: +27 87 551-7698